Amiga Flame - News - Exclusive: Amiga Flame Interview With Andreas Magerl of APC&TCP

Exclusive: Amiga Flame Interview With Andreas Magerl of APC&TCP

Over the next months I hope to bring more Interviews from Amiga Games Publishers and Developers behind the current Amiga Games Market and ask them questions on the games market and about their exciting games. Perhaps we can see more clearly the problems they face and the success they have found.

The first in the series of Interviews to come, has been done with Andreas Magerl of APC&TCP who have a long list of titles planned for 98. You will find some of his answers very interesting.

1. Many Amiga Users outside of Germany have not heard of APC&TCP, can you tell us about your company, and it's aims for the Amiga Games Market?

The APC&TCP is one of the biggest Computer Clubs in Germany. We have a lot of Programmers and GFX-artists in our Club, so it was an easy decision to release some games from our own production. And after a while, we also got games from other authors to publish, e.g. Testament, Kargon, Marblelous, Flyin'High, Jaktar, Pinball Brain Damage. Still to come are projects such as Phoenix and Pulsator and many more... We have release six Public Domain based CDs, too, but they seem to have more `fans` here in Germany than in UK...

2. Looking through your web site which has recently opened, it contains information on tonnes of games you intend to publish, this year and next. Why do you think many Games Developers have decided to choose APC&TCP to publish their games?

We offer the developers very good and very fair conditions. We don`t make promises `just out of the blue sky` and we don`t tell the developers any tales and so they are not disappointed. As we are still a Club, we can offer other conditions than a pure software company whose only aim can be selling software, software and software. Although there aren`t so many differences concerning the publishing part. We used to have a package like every software company does and our distribution and advertising is managed like in a big company, too. So, we had to found a company called "APC&TCP, Andreas Magerl".

3. What do you think about the current state of the Amiga Games Market, are sales figures still healthy for APC&TCP?

There is no reason for complaining about the Amiga-market. No, in fact, business never had gone better than now. I`m only a bit disappointed about the UK market for Amiga software, because I always thought that it is much bigger than the German one...

4. Would you say that sales figures for Germany are greater than the UK? Is there a big difference?

Yes, a very big difference...

5. As I have said before you've got tonnes of games planned to be released in 98, which ones in your opinion should we watch out for?

We really don`t like to talk about our `98-games as things can change very fast. First, we have a couple of games that were planned for `97 and still wait for a release. It`s really hard work and you can be sure to face games that you never heard even the name.

Andreas Magerl

Thanks to Andreas Magerl for taking the time to answer these questions and giving us an insight into APC&TCP. It's very interesting to note that they regard the German Amiga Games Market as being bigger for them in terms of sales. Some Publishers should be more aware of the potential for healthly sales in Germany, and so convert their games to support the German language.

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